Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Year of The Tiger

According to Kaiser Kuo the three biggest social networking sites in China
are Renren.com,Kaixin001.com, and 51.com. Kaiser Kuo is a Chinese American
and an expert on China's internet. He is based in Beijing and formerly a Group
Director at Ogilvy & Mather China.
These sites are vibrant and thriving. American companies have not prevailed in
China's social networking and face tough scrutiny by the Chinese government.
Chinese social networking sites are all about entertainment and Chinese users
also find apps and add ons less intrusive than Americans. Chinese users are
more social and are willing to add strangers they meet on the sites.
Bulletin Boards thrive in China and are used much more than by their U.S.
counterparts. When entering this market you want to think "Mobile" as this may
be the only internet access some users have and smart phones are extremely
popular in China. If you think social networking is big here just think about the
opportunities in China. We believe this is going to present big opportunities and
you don't want to be the last one to the table or you may just get the scraps.
Bill Palmer
Palmer's Global Digital                          "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"

www.theglobaldigital.com 9/16/2010

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