Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Social Media At Your Door

Suddenly everyone's an expert on Social Media and Social Networking. Since this medium is constantly changing and evolving, I find it difficult for anyone to truly pass for an expert. What Social Media is right now and what it will be in five years is anybody's guess. What we do know is, in its current form, it can be a very influential method of communicating with present and potential customers.Think about it, the consumer is inviting you into his home telling you almost everything about himself: where he vacations,what music he likes,what kind of car he drives, what kind of cell phone he uses, what kind of clothes he wears, etc... He also shares his information with his groups which increases any advertisers return on investment. The mobile applications that are rolling out will make this medium even more powerful. Staying relevant has never been more important.
Bill Palmer                            Palmer's Global Digital
"The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"

www.theglobaldigital.com 9/23/2010

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