Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The early 90's in California were no picnic. If you lived in Southern California foreclosures were on almost every street ; and if you were looking to sell your house you had to sell it way below market, and that's if you could find a buyer at all. The unemployment rate in California, in 1991, was at 7.8% and even higher in some counties than the state average(State of California labor force and Unemployment Data). Leaders were telling us the NYSE would hit 4000 before 8000. By 1993, the unemployment rate in California had shot up to 9.5%, not as high as the current numbers but, nevertheless, painful. The headlines of the day were dreary indeed. There was, in fact, a feeling of hopelessness in the air and there seemed like no end to the misery. Then came the internet , the next revolution, as America once again bounced back and dug itself out of the mire. Companies like Yahoo,Ebay, and others became household names. Americans once again were enjoying prosperity and innovation. By the year 2000, the unemployment rate in California had dropped to 4.9%. The average employee had seen a real rise in his wage and it seemed like all was well in Camelot. Looking back, I realize it wasn't big businesses or small businesses that brought us this new period of prosperity . It was new companies and new jobs and new innovation. Fast forward to 2010...That's exactly what we need now; new innovation, new technology, new jobs. Maybe the risk takers, this time, will be leaders of alternative energy. New jobs and opportunities in solar, wind, and other alternatives- or even a new power grid. Industries of all types could prosper. This, I believe, would lead to real growth. We just need to get these big engines started and have America return to prosperity once again.
Bill Palmer                               "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital
www.theglobaldigital.com 9/22/2010

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