Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Brick and Mortar Meet Tech

This may be the year when they finally get it right!
Tech has become more business friendly and traditional
business models are learning you better lead in tech as more
and more consumers rely on it when determining where they
spend their hard earned cash.
Just recently Google/Youtube announced instant. Twitter
announced over 90 million tweets per day and a new format
including video. The fcc is considering release of unused tv
channels creating giant hot spots; and social media now is
surpassing Google in search... Will traditional business
finally jump on board and in a big way ?
The answer is yes! You only have to jump on the internet and visit
any of the top sites and there they are...more and more companies are
indeed "getting it," and what about small business ? They are coming
on board in a big way, At first reluctant, their tenacity has
rewarded them with success and profits.
Will this start a comeback in silicon valley ? Who knows, but it may be
the jump start they've been waiting for...Will it improve business in
one of the most difficult climates in decades ? Well, stay tuned...
Palmer's Global Digital
Bill Palmer                                   "The Best Botique PR Firm On The Web"
www.theglobaldigital.com 9/14/2010

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