Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Africa's Economic Future

Africa may be heading to a better future than most
would have imagined. Digging deeper into the details,
one finds that Africa has benefited from investment with
a lower level of poverty than in previous decades. Make no
mistake there are several areas in Africa still suffering in the deep
depths of poverty, but the future may be a bit more promising.
In the book, "Le Temps de l'Afrique" (The Time of Africa), co- authors
Michel Severino and Oliver Ray discuss how the sub-Saharan economy
"has grown by a yearly average of 5.5 percent against only 1.35 percent
in the euro zone."
One only has to look at Kenya to see some recent results in growth,
the current GDP at about 5.2 percent came in above estimates of
4.5 percent.
Could we see U.S. and European companies investing more
in Africa ? With the recent labor strikes in China demanding better
wages and their rapidly increasing middle class, it is a real possibility
that we could see some shift in the foreseeable future, if political
stability can be maintained.
Bill Palmer                             "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital
www.theglobaldigital.com 9/15/2010

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