Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The buzz about engagement and interaction are
rapidly catching on. Large corporations are learning it's
indeed different than before. The consumer wants you
to listen. When launching a new product or brand ,
the whole team needs to be on board. The interaction
between the company/individual is going to be about listening.
What did the consumer like about your product? What didn't he like?
Is he going to share this information with friends?
Is he going to buy and when ? Complaints... Is R&D ready
to listen, and are they going to address issues? Ford Motor Company
has jumped in with enthusiasim in this new medium. The
consumer wants to know you actually appreciate his business,
and that your company has a more personal approach. It's the after-
the- sale- point where most companies start dropping the ball. Remember,
it always costs more to find new business than to focus and nurture
a relationship that already exist. Consumers like a good deal but
they also long for that little country store feeling . We appreciate
seeing you, even if you don't buy today. Make sure you pay us
a visit again, sometime soon.
Bill Palmer
Palmer's Global Digital                                       "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"

www.theglobaldigital.com 9/24/2010

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