Wednesday, September 29, 2010

David versus Goliath

Choosing your next business connection,
supplier,software company,wholesaler, etc.,
you may want to consider the following:
Companies have an array of choices and budgets
and the outcome or results can differ.
A smaller company can not afford to be inefficient
or wasteful. The margin of error is going to be smaller.
On the other hand a large company may have more 
choices and better connections. 
        Companies both large and small have their pros
and cons, and both will most likely appreciate your business.
A large company can offer more perks, tickets to a favorite
sporting event,concert,  or other extras. A smaller company
may offer more personalized service at a significantly lower
price point. It's important whoever you choose that they are loyal to
your objective and and are looking out for your best interests.
Larger companies generally have a bigger footprint and 
more of a track record. Smaller companies are usually more
innovative and relevant and don't make decisions by committee.
Large companies can become complacent and happy with the 
status quo while their smaller counterparts may not have the 
needed recognition.
Smaller companies have the advantage in consumer behavioral
patterns, using predictive analytics making
the small business more agile. Large companies have the resources
to conduct lengthy research and may offer swanky conference rooms,
nicer equipment ,or the sales staff that who can double for models.
This is not a comprehensive assessment, but choosing what is beneficial
and will get you the best return on investment is ultimately the
best choice.
Bill Palmer                       "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital

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