Friday, October 1, 2010

The Old Social Network... It Breathes!

There is so much in the media about social networking and the sites that support this new phenomenon. Has the public given up on the old stalwarts?
Well, the good news is "No". One only has to visit the nearest Starbucks or happy- hour to see actual human interaction is alive and well. That said... The new medium has joined the party via laptops, pads, and the smart phone.
People still long for real social interaction: the wink, the smile, the pat on the back, and, of course, laughter. Don't be surprised to find these intimate moments later shared with another group of friends half way around the world.
More and more in the coming years technology will weave its way into the culture, whether its sporting events, concerts,or at the local eatery. This should provide opportunities for those with the foresight to capitalize on the this new era.

Bill Palmer                  "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 10/1/2010

Opportunity is Knocking!

Opportunities are everywhere but do
we see them? During the Great Depression
several companies were founded by driven
people who never lost their since of optimism.
In 1930, twenty-two year old George Jenkins quit his job
at the local Piggly Wiggly and started his own
grocery store next door. The store became
Publix Super Markets with approximately 1000
different chain locations today.
There are always those who see opportunity
when others see despair. The world has not abruptly
come to an end. The unemployment rate nationally has
been hovering close to 10%, which means 90% of the
population has a job. Surprisingly some of the most
successful companies during the Great Depression actually
increased their advertising budgets and found new ways
to increase their business. Most large companies started
out as a small family owned business before achieving
their present day status. Maybe the opportunities
for many of us are new hires that are eager to go
back to work and show the world they've still got that Mojo.
Companies will find new ways to expose their products
to new prospects.
Being a contrarian may mean one's vision is
just a little better and one's keen eye sees the sunshine
when others just see the dark.
Bill Palmer                  "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 9/30/2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

David versus Goliath

Choosing your next business connection,
supplier,software company,wholesaler, etc.,
you may want to consider the following:
Companies have an array of choices and budgets
and the outcome or results can differ.
A smaller company can not afford to be inefficient
or wasteful. The margin of error is going to be smaller.
On the other hand a large company may have more 
choices and better connections. 
        Companies both large and small have their pros
and cons, and both will most likely appreciate your business.
A large company can offer more perks, tickets to a favorite
sporting event,concert,  or other extras. A smaller company
may offer more personalized service at a significantly lower
price point. It's important whoever you choose that they are loyal to
your objective and and are looking out for your best interests.
Larger companies generally have a bigger footprint and 
more of a track record. Smaller companies are usually more
innovative and relevant and don't make decisions by committee.
Large companies can become complacent and happy with the 
status quo while their smaller counterparts may not have the 
needed recognition.
Smaller companies have the advantage in consumer behavioral
patterns, using predictive analytics making
the small business more agile. Large companies have the resources
to conduct lengthy research and may offer swanky conference rooms,
nicer equipment ,or the sales staff that who can double for models.
This is not a comprehensive assessment, but choosing what is beneficial
and will get you the best return on investment is ultimately the
best choice.
Bill Palmer                       "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Is Your Morale Showing ?

Employee morale is crucial to anyone trying to run a successful business. Think about it! You took the risk, invested your money, and hopefully you are enjoying the fruits of your skill and hard work. Employee's can really make the difference in any organization. Most employees in the current environment have the attitude "Don't worry about the mule just load the wagon". Who's complaining, when the the grass is not any greener elsewhere. When you have made the commitment on advertising, marketing, and good public relations, all can be lost with just a few wrong moments of interaction between the employee and the client.
When employee morale is good it's contagious. When it's bad it's cancerous. All of this comes into the equation whether it's in person, on the phone, or online. Make no mistake these are difficult times for employers. Yet, well deserved pats on the back are very cost- effective. If the employer is the brain and the employees are the body, the message should always comes from the brain and spread through the body.
With a good overall morale one might just find the competition is still in beta.
Bill Palmer     "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 9/28/2010

Will Santa Be Mobile?

Will retailers be marketing mobile? The battered retail section really could use a boost. When the consumer is working,dining, or getting a manicure, couldn't the retailer benefit from a friendly reminder to stop- in and peruse the merchandise?
Retailers will be looking to boost sales. Current trends suggest that the largest segment will be leaning towards the less extravagant. Many online retailers have had incremental increases year after year, but suffered setbacks in customer service issues and return policies.
Many pocketbooks are thinner than in recent memory and there could be more last minute purchases than usual. Retailers who have managed their inventory better may be able to hold higher margins.
The middle segment of this market may have the most difficulty with discounters who are presently enjoying the lion's share of the business.
The luxury segment could see some of its more loyal patronage willing to spend again, although it may be more of a slight uptick than anything substantial.
Bill Palmer                                      "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer' Global Digital 9/26/2010


The buzz about engagement and interaction are
rapidly catching on. Large corporations are learning it's
indeed different than before. The consumer wants you
to listen. When launching a new product or brand ,
the whole team needs to be on board. The interaction
between the company/individual is going to be about listening.
What did the consumer like about your product? What didn't he like?
Is he going to share this information with friends?
Is he going to buy and when ? Complaints... Is R&D ready
to listen, and are they going to address issues? Ford Motor Company
has jumped in with enthusiasim in this new medium. The
consumer wants to know you actually appreciate his business,
and that your company has a more personal approach. It's the after-
the- sale- point where most companies start dropping the ball. Remember,
it always costs more to find new business than to focus and nurture
a relationship that already exist. Consumers like a good deal but
they also long for that little country store feeling . We appreciate
seeing you, even if you don't buy today. Make sure you pay us
a visit again, sometime soon.
Bill Palmer
Palmer's Global Digital                                       "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web" 9/24/2010

Social Media At Your Door

Suddenly everyone's an expert on Social Media and Social Networking. Since this medium is constantly changing and evolving, I find it difficult for anyone to truly pass for an expert. What Social Media is right now and what it will be in five years is anybody's guess. What we do know is, in its current form, it can be a very influential method of communicating with present and potential customers.Think about it, the consumer is inviting you into his home telling you almost everything about himself: where he vacations,what music he likes,what kind of car he drives, what kind of cell phone he uses, what kind of clothes he wears, etc... He also shares his information with his groups which increases any advertisers return on investment. The mobile applications that are rolling out will make this medium even more powerful. Staying relevant has never been more important.
Bill Palmer                            Palmer's Global Digital
"The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web" 9/23/2010


The early 90's in California were no picnic. If you lived in Southern California foreclosures were on almost every street ; and if you were looking to sell your house you had to sell it way below market, and that's if you could find a buyer at all. The unemployment rate in California, in 1991, was at 7.8% and even higher in some counties than the state average(State of California labor force and Unemployment Data). Leaders were telling us the NYSE would hit 4000 before 8000. By 1993, the unemployment rate in California had shot up to 9.5%, not as high as the current numbers but, nevertheless, painful. The headlines of the day were dreary indeed. There was, in fact, a feeling of hopelessness in the air and there seemed like no end to the misery. Then came the internet , the next revolution, as America once again bounced back and dug itself out of the mire. Companies like Yahoo,Ebay, and others became household names. Americans once again were enjoying prosperity and innovation. By the year 2000, the unemployment rate in California had dropped to 4.9%. The average employee had seen a real rise in his wage and it seemed like all was well in Camelot. Looking back, I realize it wasn't big businesses or small businesses that brought us this new period of prosperity . It was new companies and new jobs and new innovation. Fast forward to 2010...That's exactly what we need now; new innovation, new technology, new jobs. Maybe the risk takers, this time, will be leaders of alternative energy. New jobs and opportunities in solar, wind, and other alternatives- or even a new power grid. Industries of all types could prosper. This, I believe, would lead to real growth. We just need to get these big engines started and have America return to prosperity once again.
Bill Palmer                               "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 9/22/2010

Less "Sizzle" more "Steak"

In today's world isn't this what we are all looking for ?
How may times have we, at one time or another,
fallen for the sizzle only to be disappointed . Consumers with
the help of sites like Yelp and Foursquare are getting wiser on
where to make their next purchase. Recently my son and I
visited an upscale burger eatery to feast on a great gourmet
cheeseburger and some chili cheese fries (not the food we eat
everyday). The food was delicious and what made it even better
was, before we left, the manager gave us two coupons, each one valid
for a free burger of our choice. Wow! Not a big deal to most people but
it got my attention. Why? Because the manager knows we'll be back
and probably tell our friends- which is still some good old- fashioned
word- of- mouth. It would seem like a lot of business people have forgotten
the basics. Some companies will run a one page color ad in the local newspaper,
on the weekend, and in some markets that can run into an easy five figure price.
All this for a one day run so they can increase their traffic and
to bring in some business. Yet, they wouldn't spend niney-nine cents on a
customer who already likes their product and is very loyal. Just do
the math and see which is a better investment. Vendors are not any
different. They invest vast sums of money looking for new clients, but
will argue with an existing client over minor charges.
So, the next time you are in front of one of your customers, try a little less sizzle
and more steak. If you're thinking long term then the results
could be most impressive.
Bill Palmer
Palmer's Global Digital                                                      "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web" 9/19/2010

Year of The Tiger

According to Kaiser Kuo the three biggest social networking sites in China
are,, and Kaiser Kuo is a Chinese American
and an expert on China's internet. He is based in Beijing and formerly a Group
Director at Ogilvy & Mather China.
These sites are vibrant and thriving. American companies have not prevailed in
China's social networking and face tough scrutiny by the Chinese government.
Chinese social networking sites are all about entertainment and Chinese users
also find apps and add ons less intrusive than Americans. Chinese users are
more social and are willing to add strangers they meet on the sites.
Bulletin Boards thrive in China and are used much more than by their U.S.
counterparts. When entering this market you want to think "Mobile" as this may
be the only internet access some users have and smart phones are extremely
popular in China. If you think social networking is big here just think about the
opportunities in China. We believe this is going to present big opportunities and
you don't want to be the last one to the table or you may just get the scraps.
Bill Palmer
Palmer's Global Digital                          "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web" 9/16/2010

Africa's Economic Future

Africa may be heading to a better future than most
would have imagined. Digging deeper into the details,
one finds that Africa has benefited from investment with
a lower level of poverty than in previous decades. Make no
mistake there are several areas in Africa still suffering in the deep
depths of poverty, but the future may be a bit more promising.
In the book, "Le Temps de l'Afrique" (The Time of Africa), co- authors
Michel Severino and Oliver Ray discuss how the sub-Saharan economy
"has grown by a yearly average of 5.5 percent against only 1.35 percent
in the euro zone."
One only has to look at Kenya to see some recent results in growth,
the current GDP at about 5.2 percent came in above estimates of
4.5 percent.
Could we see U.S. and European companies investing more
in Africa ? With the recent labor strikes in China demanding better
wages and their rapidly increasing middle class, it is a real possibility
that we could see some shift in the foreseeable future, if political
stability can be maintained.
Bill Palmer                             "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 9/15/2010

Brick and Mortar Meet Tech

This may be the year when they finally get it right!
Tech has become more business friendly and traditional
business models are learning you better lead in tech as more
and more consumers rely on it when determining where they
spend their hard earned cash.
Just recently Google/Youtube announced instant. Twitter
announced over 90 million tweets per day and a new format
including video. The fcc is considering release of unused tv
channels creating giant hot spots; and social media now is
surpassing Google in search... Will traditional business
finally jump on board and in a big way ?
The answer is yes! You only have to jump on the internet and visit
any of the top sites and there they are...more and more companies are
indeed "getting it," and what about small business ? They are coming
on board in a big way, At first reluctant, their tenacity has
rewarded them with success and profits.
Will this start a comeback in silicon valley ? Who knows, but it may be
the jump start they've been waiting for...Will it improve business in
one of the most difficult climates in decades ? Well, stay tuned...
Palmer's Global Digital
Bill Palmer                                   "The Best Botique PR Firm On The Web" 9/14/2010