Friday, October 1, 2010

The Old Social Network... It Breathes!

There is so much in the media about social networking and the sites that support this new phenomenon. Has the public given up on the old stalwarts?
Well, the good news is "No". One only has to visit the nearest Starbucks or happy- hour to see actual human interaction is alive and well. That said... The new medium has joined the party via laptops, pads, and the smart phone.
People still long for real social interaction: the wink, the smile, the pat on the back, and, of course, laughter. Don't be surprised to find these intimate moments later shared with another group of friends half way around the world.
More and more in the coming years technology will weave its way into the culture, whether its sporting events, concerts,or at the local eatery. This should provide opportunities for those with the foresight to capitalize on the this new era.

Bill Palmer                  "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 10/1/2010

Opportunity is Knocking!

Opportunities are everywhere but do
we see them? During the Great Depression
several companies were founded by driven
people who never lost their since of optimism.
In 1930, twenty-two year old George Jenkins quit his job
at the local Piggly Wiggly and started his own
grocery store next door. The store became
Publix Super Markets with approximately 1000
different chain locations today.
There are always those who see opportunity
when others see despair. The world has not abruptly
come to an end. The unemployment rate nationally has
been hovering close to 10%, which means 90% of the
population has a job. Surprisingly some of the most
successful companies during the Great Depression actually
increased their advertising budgets and found new ways
to increase their business. Most large companies started
out as a small family owned business before achieving
their present day status. Maybe the opportunities
for many of us are new hires that are eager to go
back to work and show the world they've still got that Mojo.
Companies will find new ways to expose their products
to new prospects.
Being a contrarian may mean one's vision is
just a little better and one's keen eye sees the sunshine
when others just see the dark.
Bill Palmer                  "The Best Boutique PR Firm On The Web"
Palmer's Global Digital 9/30/2010